Critical infrastructure services enable our lives, but normal go unnoticed, that is until they are out of commission. From airports having to halt operations due to interference on a guarded frequency, power lines operators unable to communicate, or nuclear power plant police unable to radio for help due to P25 coverage gaps, are all examples where understanding the spectrum can ensure smooth and continuous operations.
Decodio software packages help Critical Infrastructure leaders ensure safe and secure communications with DECODIO RUNNER . RUNNER combines the monitoring and analytical power of DECODIO NET with the data display and drive test mapping of DECODIO ORANGE , allowing operators to map their spectrum and optimize their networks. By uncovering detailed information through decoding, such as Bit Error Rate (BER) and Message Erasure Rate (MER), and plotting these metrics, operators can exactly pinpoint problems. Also, DECODIO RUNNER can hook up easily to existing sensors and doesn’t require long system startup times. Don't wait for the emergency to learn that a network has coverage gaps, with RUNNER, Industry leaders can ensure more stable and robust radio networks on the job site.
RUNNER Comprises of the following core software: